ISO 17:1973 Guide to the use of preferred numbers and of series of preferred numbers


In a world where standardization is crucial for efficiency and effectiveness, ISO 17:1973 plays a vital role in guiding the use of preferred numbers and series of preferred numbers. This international standard helps organizations and industries adopt a harmonized approach to numerical values, promoting consistency, simplicity, and cost savings.


Scope and Purpose

ISO 17:1973 provides a framework for selecting preferred numbers and series of preferred numbers, applicable to various fields, including engineering, manufacturing, and quality control. The standard aims to:

  1. Establish a logical and consistent system for numerical values
  2. Reduce the number of different values used
  3. Facilitate international cooperation and standardization


Key Components

1. Preferred Numbers: It defines preferred numbers as a limited set of numerical values, chosen to minimize the number of different values used.
2. Series of Preferred Numbers: The standard introduces series of preferred numbers, such as the Renard series (R5, R10, R20) and the geometric series.
3. Application Guidelines: It provides guidance on applying preferred numbers and series in various contexts.


Implementation Benefits

1. Simplified Standardization: The standard simplifies the standardization process by reducing the number of numerical values used.
2. Cost Savings: By minimizing the number of different values, organizations can reduce production costs and inventory complexity.
3. Improved Interoperability: It promotes international cooperation and standardization, facilitating collaboration and trade.



ISO 17:1973 is a foundational standard that enables organizations to adopt a harmonized approach to numerical values. By guiding the use of preferred numbers and series of preferred numbers, the standard supports simplified standardization, cost savings, and improved interoperability. Whether you’re an engineer, manufacturer, or quality control specialist, understanding ISO 17:1973 is essential for optimizing numerical values in your industry.

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