ISO/IEC GUIDE 2:2004 Standardization and related activities — General vocabulary

A guideline that addresses standardization and related activities is ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004, which focuses on general terminology used in this area. It helps to guarantee uniformity and transparency in communication within the standards community by providing definitions for terms that are frequently utilized in standardization processes.

The following are some key phrases and concepts outlined in ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004:

1. Standardization: The creation, consensus-building, and application of technological standards.

2. Technical Committee (TC): An organization in charge of creating and upholding standards in a particular field of technology.

3. Working Group (WG): A Technical Committee subgroup that concentrates on particular duties or initiatives.

4. International Standard (IS): A specification, requirement, or guideline document for goods, services, or procedures that must be followed globally.

5. National Standard (NS): A standard developed that is recognized by a national standards agency or within a particular nation.

6. Harmonization: The process of integrating standards and regulations from various organizations or jurisdictions into line to lower trade barriers and improve compatibility.

7. Conformity assessment: the process of assessing goods, services, or operations to make sure they adhere to pertinent guidelines and specifications.

8. Accreditation: The official acknowledgement, by set standards, of an organization’s proficiency in performing particular activities, such as accreditation or testing.

9. Metrology: The study of measurement, encompassing traceability and accuracy norms and processes.

Effective cooperation and communication in the creation and use of standards depend on stakeholders in standardization activities understanding and using uniform terminology, which is made easier by the definitions of these words in ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004.

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