Electromagnetic Compatibility

Popular IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards are:
IEEE C63.4: Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.
IEEE C63.5: Standard for Electromagnetic Compatibility—Radiated Emission Measurements in Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Control—Calibration and Use of Antennas for Radiated Emission Measurements.
IEEE C63.9: Standard for Electromagnetic Compatibility—Radiated and Conducted Emissions of Sound and Television Broadcast Receivers.
IEEE C63.12: Recommended Practice for Electromagnetic Compatibility Limits and Test Levels.
IEEE C63.14: Standard Dictionary for Technologies of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), and Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).
IEEE C63.16: Guide for Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Test Methodologies and Procedures for Electronic and Electrical Equipment.
IEEE C63.19: Standard for Methods of Measurement of Compatibility between Wireless Communications Devices and Hearing Aids.
IEEE C63.22: Guide for Automated EMI Measurements.
IEEE C63.23: Guide for Electromagnetic Interference Testing and Measurement.
IEEE 473: Standard for Electromagnetic Site Survey, 10 kHz to 10 GHz.
IEEE 299: Standard Method for Measuring the Shielding Effectiveness of Enclosures and Materials.
IEEE 1302: Guide for the Electromagnetic Characterization of Conductive Gaskets in the Frequency Range of DC to 18 GHz.
IEEE 139: Recommended Practice for Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Power Density Measurement.
IEEE 1597.1: Standard for Validation of Computational Electromagnetics Computer Modeling and Simulations.
IEEE 1848: Standard for Techniques and Measures to Manage Functional Safety and Other Risks in Electromagnetic Environments.